Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Evil in Camouflage

“It’s a lump of cells,” insisted my left-wing opponent, referring to what is removed from a mother in an abortion. I started off the show with the appalling news that Planned Parenthood was selling parts of aborted babies as documented by a series of videos released by the Center for Medical Progress last week. He pooh-poohed it. That’s what the left must do — deny that it’s a human baby being killed in every abortion procedure. He stuck to the protocol. Every two weeks, my Democrat friend, Gino, and I meet in the local Time Warner studio to debate social and political issues of the day on our show called “Left and Right.” The sale of baby parts was big news last week.
Left wing Democrats (is there any other kind now?) never say “baby” or “human” or “kill” when discussing abortion. They don’t even like to say “abortion,” preferring to substitute “choice” or “women’s health” as if pregnancy were a disease and abortion the cure. They cannot talk plainly about what really happens during an abortion or people would be horrified. Hence, discussion is antiseptic and language censorious. The undercover videos cut through all that. Abortion doctors working for Planned Parenthood described how they modified abortion technique so as not to “crush” some baby parts and preserve them for sale, all this while chewing on a salad and sipping wine. “We’ve been very good about getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part,” said Dr. Nucatola, medical director for Planned Parenthood nationally, “I’m going to basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
Clearly it’s not just a “lump of cells.” It’s got a heart, a lung, and a liver because it’s a baby.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted last week that the videos were “entirely inaccurate,” then admitted he hadn’t seen them and he was repeating Planned Parenthood’s own talking points. Earnest said they were “selectively edited.” If you’re inclined to believe that, watch one yourself. 
The first three videos released were bad enough, showing doctors talking about how they do abortions, but the fourth showed images of Planned Parenthood staff poking at the baby parts in a dish, identifying a brain, a kidney, a leg, and a penis, declaring, “It’s another boy!” This, of course, is kryptonite for Democrats.
On my show I said abortion is the single most important issue for the Democrat Party, and my Democrat opponent agreed. To allow images of aborted human babies would be death for Democrats so, while claiming the videos were “extremist, right wing” attacks on Planned Parenthood, they went into defensive mode. Obama’s new Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced an investigation — not of Planned Parenthood which was violating federal laws against sale of human baby parts — but of the Center for Medical Progress which was exposing it all!
Leftist mainstream media outlets like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and the big broadsheet newspapers can be relied on to ignore stories depicting abortion in a bad light. That’s why they refused to cover the Dr. Kermit Gosnell murder trial, which I covered extensively in this column. They’re doing their best to play down the Planned Parenthood videos as well, giving the poached lion in Africa far more coverage than Planned Parenthood selling baby parts in the United States.
Boston College philosophy professor Peter Kreeft said: “When I talk about abortion, I often surprise most of my audience, even some prolifers, by saying that not only is abortion always evil but that it is not a ‘complex issue,’ that deep down we all know that it is evil; that Mother Teresa is very clearly right when she says ‘If abortion isn’t wrong, nothing is wrong.’”
Kreeft is right. Deep down, we all know it. That’s why most Democrats qualify their support for abortion by saying: “Personally, I’m against abortion, but I believe a woman has a right to choose.” That’s why Planned Parenthood is always blowing smoke about what they actually do, insisting it isn’t really a baby. It’s just a lump of tissue like an appendix or a tonsil. That’s why our left wing media couldn’t cover the murder trial of abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell. That’s why even most pro-life people can’t bring themselves to look at pictures of aborted babies. Because we know evil when we see it — all of us. Loretta Lynch is investigating the Center for Medical Progress instead of Planned Parenthood because she wants to shoot the messenger, not the evil perpetrator — which has become an object of worship for Democrats. That’s why Democrats fight state laws requiring women to have ultrasound images of what is in their uterus before having an abortion. Ninety percent of them change their minds when they see it’s not just a “lump of cells.”


aliledar said...

It's barbaric! What kind of doctors - no, people, do such things! Abortion is killing however you look at it but late-term and partial birth abortion are truly horrifying murders - and then to take the poor baby's parts to use for whatever! There are no words to express my disgust, horror, revulsion.

Anonymous said...

It's not only barbaric. It's cannibalism! And many times, it's even infanticide when the baby survives the crushing and exits the womb still alive. Someone has to murder the baby at that point. All this in the USA. What a horrific nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Kinda rings hollow when you support apartheid israel--- whose extremist "settlers" just fire bombed a house in the middle of the night, incinerating an 18 month old baby. Oh, and a couple of other teenagers.

El Chapo said...

Your sanctity of life routine is wiped out by the fact that you actaully believe that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not only necessary but vital. And have you not praised those horrorific atrocities? And haven't you also cheered the murder of Palestinians? Uhm......
I agree with above--- hollow.

Anonymous said...


For starters, visitors would have learned that some of America's best-known World War II military commanders opposed using atomic weaponry. In fact, six of the seven five-star generals and admirals of that time believed that there was no reason to use them, that the Japanese were already defeated, knew it, and were likely to surrender before any American invasion could be launched. Several, like Admiral William Leahy and General Dwight Eisenhower, also had moral objections to the weapon. Leahy considered the atomic bombing of Japan “barbarous” and a violation of “every Christian ethic I have ever heard of and all of the known laws of war.”

Truman did not seriously consult with military commanders who had objections to using the bomb. He did, however, ask a panel of military experts to offer an estimate of how many Americans might be killed if the United States launched the two major invasions of the Japanese home islands scheduled for November 1, 1945 and March 1, 1946. Their figure: 40,000 -- far below the half-million he would cite after the war. Even this estimate was based on the dubious assumption that Japan could continue to feed, fuel, and arm its troops with the U.S. in almost complete control of the seas and skies.

Unknown said...

It all boils down to choices. Those who fail to make good choices get pregnant and then compound the poor choice by choosing an abortion. Yes I agree that many make critical mistakes in the heat of passion but to dismiss that error by compounding it and killing a God given soul is so wrong.
Our society has chosen to take away the moral objection to abortion but that in no way says that it is OK with God. I truly believe the moral decay of our nation in so many ways is because we chose to ignore Him. To say it is a women's choice is no different than the choice that Eve had when Satan offered her a taste of the apple. That single choice doomed mankind and today those single choices doom a baby and I believe it will this nation.

Anonymous said...

What rings hollow (at least when you thump them) is pumpkins, when the clear and present danger subject at hand is apples.
Wait...wait...they BOTH come to fruition, or not, in the FALL. Yeah....THAT'S the ticket!
But the Monday morning armchair analysis minutia of "the Situation", and what was revealed "for the record" about the mechanics of raising pumpkins for LAST years
"State" affair was informative.

Steve said...

Capt. DMO, I always appreciate your comments because you're never insulting or aggressive, but I wish you would just plainly state your points. Your comments read like poetry from cummings or Whitman.

Anonymous said...

Seriously??? Cummings or Whitman? Oh, please, you give him far too much credit. His comments are just a Palinesque word salad, no thought goes into making them, and any metaphors you might glean from them are purely coincidental.